Mount and blade jousting
Mount and blade jousting

mount and blade jousting

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to write them in the comments. That will be it about the troop trees for now. In the threes below I've marked the troops as following: A troop with a black outline is infantry, green outline is ranged, orange outline is cavalry, and purple are horse archers/skirmishers. For that reason I will list the trees below with the native system This is not certain to be implemented as I am not sure it is fitting or not for the overall feel I am aiming, which is to keep it relatively close to native. The noble units in that case would be faction specific and require you to become a vassal of said faction to recruit them. It adds new arenas, new match-types (including 4-team vs and jousting), increased betting based on level, new combatants, crowd noises, tracking. If I do decide to implement separate troop trees one will be able to recruit militia units from towns and noble units from castles. This mod focuses on expanding your arena options in Mount&Blade. The troop trees are subject to change, especially depending on whether I implement separate recruitment of noble units or not. There will be no images attached quite yet since asset implementation is still very much in its early stages. With that out of the way, let us look at the preliminary look for the troop trees you might expect to find on the various factions in the game.

Mount and blade jousting